Saturday, December 14, 2019


Thursday 23 July ". The series mocks Wikipedia and other aspects of the Internet. Critics have given Bigipedia positive reviews. You wouldn't want more than half an hour of Bigipedia , no matter how amusing it is. Bigipedia covers the ever growing Chianto slick of the Gulf of Mexico, as the red and white versions mix to create a Chianto ovum. Threads collapsed expanded unthreaded. This week looks at the featured article about The Line , the greatest TV series ever made; a selection of Bigipedia screensavers including one featuring ducks; a debate on whether an actress is notable enough to get her own article; and a look back at Chianto's politically incorrect adverts of the s. bigipedia

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It is produced by Pozzitive Productions.


You wouldn't want more than half an hour of Bigipediano matter how amusing it is. Clare Heal in the Sunday Express gave a mixed review, saying that while she found it amusing, it was too similar to the Internet saying, "The programme's only failing was that on occasion it was a little to [sic] reminiscent of the real Internet, ie a virtual ocean full of morons willing to shout loudly about things even or perhaps especially if they know nothing about them.

Bigipedia becomes more sinister with its new street mapping service BigiStreetWatch and develops technology in an attempt to take over the world. The reviews of Bigipedia have been mainly positive.


Bigipedia looks at the history of the confusing educational children's programme Plinky ; a singing parasite called the "Segmented pip worm"; and Bigikids covers the subject of fear. There are some edits made ibgipedia this recording compared to the original episodes. Welcome to Bigipedia - the omniscient friend you know from your computer and laser watch takes over for 30 minutes in a unique experiment in broadwebcasting.

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. It was revealed by Doody on his Doubling Up podcast with Rob Heeney that there was an extended edition of "The Line" sketch, which he broadcast on the show. Elisabeth Mahoney in The Guardian said that she liked the Chianto running gag, [5] while Gillian Reynolds from the Daily Telegraph commented positively on Bigipedia saying it was, "the first late-night comedy in ages that has made me laugh, about computers and why I'm scared of them, about vile TV shows and meaningless commercials.

Bigipedia Radio 4the press release suggests, is "The Sunday Format for the online age". The Independent on Sunday. The first series ended with Bigipedia attempting to take over the world, having crushed a rebellion in the Philippines and feeding nanobots into the heads of anyone listening to the programme.

Bigipedia - Wikipedia

Retrieved 2 August Bigipedia - a world of knowledge at your fingertips brought direct to your ears blgipedia you're listening online, in which case it's been brought from your ears back to your fingertips and thence, into your ears again.

Archived from the original on 30 July Retrieved 17 July This week looks at the featured article about The Linethe greatest TV series ever made; a selection of Bigipedia screensavers including one featuring ducks; a debate on whether an actress is notable enough to get her own article; and a look back at Chianto's politically incorrect adverts of the s.


Doody said in an interview with the British Comedy Biigipedia Retrieved 22 July Retrieved 9 December Critics have given Bigipedia positive reviews. Archived from the original on 21 July Editing wars broke out all over Bigipedia bbigipedia know my frickin' crystals, OK?

Order by newest oldest recommendations. For example, the name changed from Kidipedia "due to a misunderstanding", [2] [8] Hanging at the School Gates "for reasons you may have seen in the news" [10] and Underage Fun "due to a copyright infringement".

BBC Radio 4 Extra - Bigipedia, Series 1, Episode 1

I especially bigkpedia the running gag of Bigipedia being sponsored by Chianto, "officially classified by the EU as a wine-type product or by-product". Bigipedia articles covered include "Pandoratane", the most adhesive substance known to man; and a look at clouds which form the shape of words.

vigipedia By morning not only were the chickens killed, but often plucked, too. Retrieved 24 July I have serenity coming out of my arse"as did ads for unappealing products.

Radio review: Bigipedia

Archived from the original on 18 July Bigipedia covers the ever growing Chianto slick of the Gulf of Mexico, as the red and white versions mix to create a Chianto ovum.

Views Read Edit View history. Bound to become a cult. The Leviathan attempts to gain all the world's knowledge by accessing the system.

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